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Roll Safe Think About It

$ROLLSAFE is breakin' the internet (again), and this time it's bringing tendies. Remember that time you YOLO'd on that other memecoin and it went belly up faster than yesterday's news? $ROLLSAFE was there, tappin' his head, sayin' "Think long term, fam." This ain't your fleeting fancy doge. $ROLLSAFE is the thinking person's memecoin. Built for the future, backed by the smartest grin in crypto. So join the Roll Safe revolution and invest with your brain, not your emotions. Because with $ROLLSAFE, you can't be late to the moon landing...twice. Get on board before it goes viral (again) and rockets past the competition!

How to buy

Create a Wallet

Download Phantom or your wallet of choice from the app store or google play store for free. Desktop users, download the google chrome extension by going to

Get Some SOL

Have SOL in your wallet to switch to $ROLLSAFE. If you don’t have any SOL, you can buy SOL from an exchange or cross chain swap and send it to your wallet.

Go to Raydium, Jupiter..

Connect to Raydium or Jupiter. Go or in google chrome or on the browser inside your Phantom app. Connect your wallet. Paste the $ROLLSAFE token address into Raydium or Jupiter and confirm the swap. When Phantom prompts you for a wallet signature, sign.


Switch SOL for $ROLLSAFE. We have ZERO taxes so you don’t need to worry about buying with a specific slippage, although you may need to use slippage during times of market volatility.